Saturday, March 14, 2009

Finally Furniture!

After nine long months of sleeping on a very old full size bed or on our new queen size bed on the floor we finally have a beautiful bed to sleep on! I've been searching high and low to find the perfect bed. We needed a platform bed to use with our mattress without a box spring. Everything I found was way our of our price range. I finally found this bedroom set at JCPenney and absolutely fell in love with it. I dragged Josh over to look at it and he liked it too but by the time you added shipping and everything it was still a little high. I'd been searching Craigslist diligently but everything was super far away or in bad shape. Finally one day I saw this bed and dresser listed that was exactly what we'd been looking for. I called her and she said someone else had emailed her about it and I said that we'd bring cash over tonight. So we picked up the dresser Tues. the 24th and went back the next night for the bed. I went out of town the next day. Finally last Sat. we went to IKEA and bought slats to put across the frame and then we put our mattress on. Yeah! I love it. Everyone who rated it online gave it a 5. It is very good quality and exactly what we needed for our mattress and we saved several hundred dollars. The girl we bought it from had only had it a few months and it was really big for her bedroom. We are so lucky to have found this great deal!
This dresser is currently in our very large entry way. The top two drawers are felt lined and the bottom drawer has cedar. Now we only need to scrounge up about $2000 to get the rest of the set! (My parents gave us money for the mattress and bedframe) and yes that's the quilt my mom made us for our wedding!

1 comment:

mE said...

Hi Stacey!

LOOOOVE the set! That's the kind of headboard I want when we get a new bed! We've got our cheapy "wrought iron" one that we bought when we bought our first mattress 10 years ago. Our dresser is a beautiful antique that was B's great gramma's. I can't wait to have some extra cash to buy a new headboard and nightstands to match the dresser...

LOVE YOURS!! They are GORGEOUS! Maybe I need to check out Craigslist!!

