Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I feel so negligent in posting on our blog. I haven't even been on here to read any of our friend's or family's blogs either. The highlights of Nov. were having my family visit for Thanksgiving. We had fun showing them around town a bit. And of course the whole month of Dec. I was so busy making presents that I didn't get around to updating our blog. Here we are at Josh's extended family Christmas party. I ended up getting this Santa Suit on clearance after the past Christmas. I kind of felt guilty using up the last of our Target wedding gift card on it but now that he's worn it a few times I'm so glad we have it. It's going to be great for years to come. We ended up going to CA for Christmas and New Year's weekends and had a great time. Looking forward to a great year full of exciting new opportunities. If anyone is reading this I hope your Holidays were Happy and wish you the best in this new year.

1 comment:

Marly C said...

I hope you have a great year too!