Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Josh's B'day Celebration

On Josh's actual birthday he didn't end up working. We started off the morning taking our friend to Goldfield - the ghost town a few minutes away from our place. Then we went out to lunch at Oreganos and had an amazing stuff crust pizza. One piece fills you up. I think I can only handle eating there once a year it's so much food.

Then our friend Keith that was visiting from LA treated us to Star Trek. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical at first but was soon won over and really enjoyed it.

Josh really wanted to go to CA. so when he got home from work Friday afternoon we drove out there.

Saturday morning we stopped past the District Science Fair to see my nephews' projects. Jacob did his on the birds in his neighborhood and Jason did his on if his classmates could tell the difference between different chocolate chip cookies. They are so smart!

Josh loves the creamed corn at Hof's Hut so we met a couple friends there for lunch. After hanging out of the restaurant for 3 hours we moved the party down the street to my parent's house.

That evening we attended a performance at The Warner Grand Theater by the Golden State Pops Orchestra. My cousin in law plays the bassoon. I love going to see them. They always have really fun themes for their concerts and they play in a gorgeous building. Their theme for the evening was "Video Game Soundtracks". They finished off the night by playing 10 minutes from WOW. It was really good. The had several guest conductors that directed the songs they'd composed. Several songs were from video games that hadn't been released yet. Who knew video games have come so far as to have such amazing music?

Sunday morning we went over to my brother's house and he fixed us Begian waffles with fresh berries, whipped cream and chocolate chips. They were super yummy. I went to look for Josh and found Jacob curled up on him. I'm glad my nephews love my husband!
Jason rehearsed "Something" by The Beatles for us which he performed later that afternoon after we hit the road.

After breakfast we went to my parent's house and visited with them for about an hour since they'd just got home from a cruise up the coast to Estoria, OR, Seattle and Victoria.

We then went to the El Dorado Singles Ward since we had a couple friends visiting there. It was so weird since I hadn't been there in a few years. So many new people. I bet I only knew about 10 percent of them. Things change so fast!

We had a really great trip and were sad to leave our family and friends and the nice, cool weather and hope to make it over for another visit sometime soon!

Josh was happy to get a b'day card from my grandparents and a card and $ from my parents and Season 3 of Supernatural from my sister in law (even though she bought it for him just so she could borrow it). We actually watched a couple episodes from Season 1 lastnight and they freak me out. It reminds me of watching the X Files.

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