Thursday, October 21, 2010

Drink More Water!

For as long as I can remember I've had seriously dry hands. The kind that crack and bleed. I've been told all sorts of remedies over the years. Tried all kinds of different lotions. Slept with gloves on after I've applied vaseline. Been prescribed ointments. But not once did anyone ever tell me to drink more water. Now mind you that I only drink water having never been much of a soda drinker but gave that up many years ago nonetheless. Living in AZ has made me realize the need to constantly drink water and to take it with me wherever I go. I can tell when I'm drinking enough water when my hands don't look like withered old lady hands. One of the ways to earn points for the wellness challenge is to drink 48 ounces a day. That's pretty conservative. Most days I'm sure I drink way more than that and even that's not enough sometimes. I guess the whole point of this is just to point out that sometimes there's an easy solution to a problem but it's the last thing anyone thinks of. Wish someone would've told me this as a kid. I've probably been nearly dehydrated my whole life. Maybe most people are. Who knows? So if you have dry skin don't fork out a bunch of money for some fancy lotion - drink a glass of water instead. It'll do you good!

P.S. This picture is my trusty filtered water picture and my official water glass. I started out with 4 of these but this is the only one left so I know it's mine. I wash it every day or so when I do the dishes. Somehow I only use this one glass and Josh manages to dirty up many a day but he drinks a variety of different liquids not just water like me.

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