Sunday, November 7, 2010


I ended up going on an adventure with my cousin lastnight and we ended up at Bookman's. We were looking for a movie for her son in the children's section and as soon as I was the standup of Edward I asked her to take my picture with him. Good thing I usually always have my camera on me. He doesn't look very happy in this picture though. Anyways, if you don't know what Bookman's is you are missing out. It's a great used bookstore where you can trade your used books for credit or cash. They also carry collectibles, records, dvds, vhs, games, etc... My cousin and her family use the store a lot. They have an amazing selection. It got my wheels turning. I should probably pack up a couple boxes of stuff and take it over there and see what they'd give me for it. My cousin trades for stuff all the time and it works out really well for her. Next time my mom comes to town I'm going to have to take her here. As an avid reader I'm sure she would love the place.

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