Friday, November 5, 2010

Lego Store

I love going to the Lego Store in Downtown Disney. We went there Monday evening. Not only do they have really amazing lego sets there that you don't see anywhere else but they have legos you can play with and really impressive lego creations like this woody which is fairly new since I've never seen it before. You can buy legos by the piece and also build three lego people for $10 and purchase that. There's new lego girl hair that was quite cool that I wanted. I also was tempted by a couple of the people key chains they had. But I just window shopped. Another funny thing that we noticed was the names on the mugs pictured behind Josh. They didn't have any form of my name there. I've noticed that lately on personalized items. Maybe my name is becoming less popular. I guess I should look into that.

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